Raquel V. Francisco, Ph.D.
Professorial Lecturer
Contact(s):rfrancisco@iesm.upd.edu.ph or raquelfrancisco2001@yahoo.com
Educ. Background:
Ph.D. Meteorology, UP Diliman (1989)
M.S. Meteorology, UP Diliman (1979)
B.S.A, UP College of Agriculture
B.S. ChE University of Mindanao, Philippines
Interests / ProjectsCourses Handled & Other InformationPublication
Content 1
Courses Teaching:
- Env. Sci. 1
- Env. Sci. 297
- Meteo 203
- Meteo 231
- Meteo 232
- Meteo 233
Other Relevant Information:
Honors and Awards
- 2003-2008, Senior Associate Fellow, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy.
- 2001: ACHIEVEMENT AWARD, Div XII,National Research Council of the Philippines
- Regular Associate of the ICTP, Jan 1 1995 to Dec 31,2000
- MODEL EMPLOYEE AWARD (Supervisory) of the Typhoon Moderation Research and Development Branch, PAGASA Other Academic Information
- Lecturer on Dynamic Meteorology, Numerical Weather Prediction, Tropical Meteorology, Research Problems on Meteorology, Analytical Methods for graduate students, Environmental Science for BS students.
- Co-adviser/critic/reader of more than 20 masteral theses and doctoral dissertations on Meteorology at the Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology, University of the Philippines, 1995 – present
- Lead researcher in understanding Philippine weather and climate through numerical weather prediction models and regional climate models
- Develop softwares necessary to improve the numerical models, facilitate data analyses and visualize outputs
- Consultant: “Cloud Seeding Operation in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao (OPLAN LUZVIMINDA) using Doppler Radar and Upper Air Sounding in Areas Affected by the El Nino Phenomenon”, PAGASA
- Short term expert – Return period of significant ocean wave heights near Mariveles, Bataan. Report submitted to Crawford & Company Philippines, 2012
- Expert, Laguna de Bay Community Carbon Finance Project, 2007-08.
- National Technical Expert on GHG Abatement, Asian Development Bank (for ADB T.A. 5572-Regional ALGAS Proj). 1996-1998
- Review Team Member of National Communications of the UNFCCC, 1996-2000
- National Expert for the Philippine GHG Inventory, United States Country Studies Program, 1993-1996
- Author/Co-author of several papers (see below)
- Associate (1998-2006) The Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Italy: developed softwares including intercomparison of outputs of different global circulation models; actively involved in researches concerning RegCM (regional climate model).
- Team Leader, Integrated SuperComputer System, PICWIN, 2005-06
- Leader, Applicability of the Eta and RegCM models in forecasting weather and climate (PCASTRD-GIA Funded)
- Co-Proj Leader, Seasonal Tropical Cyclone Track Forecasting (2005, UP-OVSCRD)
- The Development of a Monthly Inflow Model for the Pantabangan Water Reservoir (Proj. Leader, PNSS L-21, 1993)
- Weather Modification Research Project: Cloud and Precipitation Physics (Proj Leader, 1979-81)
- Resource Speaker/Presentor, Several National/International Workshops on High Resolution Modeling, Regional Climate Models, Greenhouse Gas Emissions/Sinks including “Cloud Microphysics and Modeling” and “Cloud Seeding Operations in selected countries” held on July 28-29, 2016 at Tagaytay.
- Vergara, R.L., Macalalad, E.P., Bagtasa, G., Vallar, E.A., Galvez, M.C.D., & Francisco, R.V. 2017. Correlation of Aerosol Optical Properties with Surface Meteorological Parameters Over Manila.Adv. Sci. Lett., 23, pp. 1448–1451
- Francisco, R., Dalida, L., Monteverde, M.C. & Celebre, C. 2017. An assessment on the cloud seeding research operation in Zamboanga City, Philippines. IAMURE Int’l J. of Ecology and Conservation Vol 21, No 1.
- Francisco, R, R Nacario, L Dalida, and T Moya, 2014. Warming trends in the Legazpi City, Philippines. IAMURE Int’l J. of Ecology and Conservation Vol 12, No 1. 40-53
- Argete, Josefina C and R Francisco. 2007. Detection and tracking of tropical cyclones on a seasonal scale in the Philippines. Science Diliman Vol 19, No 2, 35-48. Cited by 1
- Pal J. F Giorgi, X Bi, N Elguindi, F Solmon, X Gao S Rauscher, R Francisco, A Zakey, et al 2007. Regional climate modeling for the developing world: The ICTP RegCM3 and RegCNET. Bull Amer Soc 88: 1395-1409. Cited by 587.
- Francisco R, J Argete. F Giorgi, J. Pal and X. Bi, 2006: Regional model simulation of summer rainfall over the Philippines: Effect of choice of driving fields and ocean flux schemes. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 86. 0 211-224. Cited by 20.
- Giorgi, F, R Francisco, and J Pal. 2003 Effects of a subgrid-scale topography and landuse scheme on the simulation of surface climate and hydrology. J Hydromet 4, 317-333. Cited by 100.
- Filippo Giorgi, J Christensen, M Hulme, H Von Storch, P Whetton, R Jones, L Mearns, C Fu, R Arritt, B Bates, R Benestad, G Boer, A Buishand, M Castro, D Chen, W Cramer, R Crane, J Crossly, M Dehn, Klaus Dethloff, J Dippner, S Emori, R Francisco, J Fyfe, F Gerstengarbe, W Gutowski, D Gyalistras, I Hanssen-Bauer, M Hantel, D Hassell, D Heimann, C Jack, J Jacobeit, H Kato, R Katz, Frank Kauker, T Knutson, M Lal, C Landsea, R Laprise, L Leung, A Lynch, W May, J McGregor, N Miller, J Murphy, J Ribalaygua, Annette Rinke, M Rummukainen, F Semazzi, K Walsh, P Werner, M Widmann, R Wilby, M Wild, Y Xue. 2001, Regional climate information-evaluation and projections. Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis. Contribution of Working Group to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Houghton, JT et al.(eds)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kongdom and New York, US. Cited by 617.
- Giorgi F, P Whetton, R G Jones, J Christensen, L Mearns, B Hewitson, H vonStorch, R Francisco and C Jack, 2001: Emerging patterns of simulated regional climatic changes for the 21st century due to anthropogenic forcings. Geophys. Res. Lett. 28, 3317-3320. cited by 164.
- Giorgi, F. and R Francisco, 2001: Uncertainties in the prediction of regional climate change. Global change and protected areas. 127-139. Cited by 8.
- Giorgi, F. and R. Francisco, 2000: Evaluating uncertainties in the prediction of regional climate change. Geophys. Res Lett. 27, 1295-1298. Cited by 247.
- Giorgi F andd R Francisco, 2000: Uncertainties in regional climate change prediction: a regional analysis of ensemble simulations with the HADCM2 coupled AOGCM. Clim. Dyn. 16, 169-182. Cited by 217.
- Francisco R and S Quintana. 1999. Greenhouse gas inventory in the forestry sector. Jour. of Phil. Dev. 47. 135-150.
- Jose A, R Francisco and N Cruz, 1996: A study on impact of climate variability/change on water resources in the Philippines. Chemosphere. cited by 23.
- Francisco R. 1996. Greenhouse gas inventory of the Philippines: interim report. Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories, 189-199. Cited by 4
- Lantin R,L Buendia and R Francisco, 1996. Philippine contribution to greenhouse emissions: agriculture sector. Phil Jour of Crop Science. Francisco R, M Estoque and J Mondares, 1991: A numerical study of warm cloud interactions. Atmosfera 4. 117-138.
- Francisco, R, R Nacario, L Dalida, and T Moya, 2014. Warming trends in the Legazpi City, Philippines. IAMURE Int’l J. of Ecology and Conservation Vol 12, No 1. 40-53
- Argete, Josefina C and R Francisco. 2007. Detection and tracking of tropical cyclones on a seasonal scale in the Philippines. Science Diliman Vol 19, No 2, 35-48. Cited by 1
- Pal J. F Giorgi, X Bi, N Elguindi, F Solmon, X Gao S Rauscher, R Francisco, A Zakey, et al 2007. Regional climate modeling for the developing world: The ICTP RegCM3 and RegCNET. Bull Amer Soc 88: 1395-1409. Cited by 587.
- Francisco R, J Argete. F Giorgi, J. Pal and X. Bi, 2006: Regional model simulation of summer rainfall over the Philippines: Effect of choice of driving fields and ocean flux schemes. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 86. 0 211-224. Cited by 20.
- Giorgi, F, R Francisco, and J Pal. 2003 Effects of a subgrid-scale topography and landuse scheme on the simulation of surface climate and hydrology. J Hydromet 4, 317-333. Cited by 100.
- Filippo Giorgi, J Christensen, M Hulme, H Von Storch, P Whetton, R Jones, L Mearns, C Fu, R Arritt, B Bates, R Benestad, G Boer, A Buishand, M Castro, D Chen, W Cramer, R Crane, J Crossly, M Dehn, Klaus Dethloff, J Dippner, S Emori, R Francisco, J Fyfe, F Gerstengarbe, W Gutowski, D Gyalistras, I Hanssen-Bauer, M Hantel, D Hassell, D Heimann, C Jack, J Jacobeit, H Kato, R Katz, Frank Kauker, T Knutson, M Lal, C Landsea, R Laprise, L Leung, A Lynch, W May, J McGregor, N Miller, J Murphy, J Ribalaygua, Annette Rinke, M Rummukainen, F Semazzi, K Walsh, P Werner, M Widmann, R Wilby, M Wild, Y Xue. 2001, Regional climate information-evaluation and projections. Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis. Contribution of Working Group to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Houghton, JT et al.(eds)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kongdom and New York, US. Cited by 617.
- Giorgi F, P Whetton, R G Jones, J Christensen, L Mearns, B Hewitson, H vonStorch, R Francisco and C Jack, 2001: Emerging patterns of simulated regional climatic changes for the 21st century due to anthropogenic forcings. Geophys. Res. Lett. 28, 3317-3320. cited by 164.
- Giorgi, F. and R Francisco, 2001: Uncertainties in the prediction of regional climate change. Global change and protected areas. 127-139. Cited by 8.
- Giorgi, F. and R. Francisco, 2000: Evaluating uncertainties in the prediction of regional climate change. Geophys. Res Lett. 27, 1295-1298. Cited by 247.
- Giorgi F andd R Francisco, 2000: Uncertainties in regional climate change prediction: a regional analysis of ensemble simulations with the HADCM2 coupled AOGCM. Clim. Dyn. 16, 169-182. Cited by 217.
- Francisco R and S Quintana. 1999. Greenhouse gas inventory in the forestry sector. Jour. of Phil. Dev. 47. 135-150.
- Jose A, R Francisco and N Cruz, 1996: A study on impact of climate variability/change on water resources in the Philippines. Chemosphere. cited by 23.
- Francisco R. 1996. Greenhouse gas inventory of the Philippines: interim report. Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories, 189-199. Cited by 4
- Lantin R,L Buendia and R Francisco, 1996. Philippine contribution to greenhouse emissions: agriculture sector. Phil Jour of Crop Science.
- Francisco R, M Estoque and J Mondares, 1991: A numerical study of warm cloud interactions. Atmosfera 4. 117-138.