Newly minted UP-ESMS slates an all-packed acad year for Environmental Science & Meteorology students

The University of the Philippines-Environmental Science & Meteorology Society (UP-ESMS), an academic organization of an all-graduate (PhDs and MS) students from the Institute of Environmental Science & Meteorology (IESM), is a newly recognized student organization under the College of Science, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City. The organization is in its 3rd year of existence, headed by Mr. Daniel C. Lor, the newly elected UP-ESMS’ president for the school year 2018-2019, aims to expose the institute’s studentry to a multitude of activities anchored to develop their research and critical thinking skills.

From mid-left: Mr. Daniel C Lor (President), Mr. Arjay O. Lerios (Former ESMS President 2017-2018’) , Ms. Julie An Gregorio (CommHead for Publication), Ms. Joana Mae Norcio (VP for Env Sci), Ms. Alyssa Jose De Ocampo (Secretary), Ms. Alyssa Dawn Castillo (Auditor), Mr. Kevin Cordoviz (CommHead for Academic Affairs), Ms. Sheryllyn Linda (Treasurer), Mr. Michael Angelo Valete (VP for Meteorology), Mr. Marjohn Baludo (Public Relation Officer) and Mr. Rotsen Labisores (MS Met Representative), while Mr. Christian Russel Rabi wearing in pink shirt on the right (Representative for Env Sci students). ESMS members and officers gathered together for a group picture.

The University of the Philippines – Environmental Science & Meteorology Society (UP-ESMS) held its very first General Assembly (GA) for this semester AY: 2018-2019 last Wednesday, September 19, 2018, at the 2nd-floor lobby, IESM building. The meeting was presided by our very active Chairperson; Mr. Daniel C. Lor and hosted together with his constituents Ms. Joana Mae Norcio- Vice-President for Environmental Science and Mr. Kevin Cordoviz- Committee Head for Academic Affairs. The meeting was gladly participated by graduate students of MS Environmental Science and MS Meteorology. Each Committee presented their proposed projects/activities for this school year. Two new officers were added to represent the organization: Mr. Christian Russel Rabi and Ms. Julie – An Gregorio, both MS Environmental Science students, were elected as 1st yr. Batch Representative and as Publication Committee Head, respectively. Moreover, it was initiated prior to the GA that there will be a logo-making contest for the UP-ESMS organization. The ESMS logo will embody the organization’s identity, mission, visions, and goals. Three entries were submitted and were fairly judged by several faculty members of IESM, the ESMS officers and members present during the GA. The winning logo was created by Ms. Alyssa Jose De Ocampo, an upperclassmen MS Env Sci student.

Thanks to all members who were present during the assembly. The Council hopes for another fruitful and remarkable academic year!
Abante ESMS!

Photo credits: Ms. Joanna Mae D. Norcio