Leoncio A. Amadore, Ph.D.
Professorial Lecturer
Contact(s): lamadore@iesm.upd.edu.ph or lamadore4@yahoo.com.ph
Educ. Background:
Ph.D. Meteorology, UP Diliman (1989)
Post Graduate Studies: Numerical Weather Prediction & Weather Modification, University
of Miami Corabl Gables, Florida, U.S.A. (1976)
M.S. Meteorology, UP Diliman (1972)
B.S. Education Major in Math, Minor in Physics, FEATI University, Sta. Cruz, Manila (1968)
Interests / ProjectsCourses Handled & Other InformationPublication
Content 1
Courses Teaching:
- Meteo 201
- Meteo 212
- Meteo 221
- Meteo 225
Other Relevant Information:
Honors and Awards
- Atmospheric Scientist Achievement Award (2002), National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP)
- Distinguished and Outstanding Accomplishment in Public Service (1984), Civil Service Commission Pag-asa Award
- Plaques/Certificates of Recognition/Appreciation from GOs, NGOs Other Academic Information
- Government Service: – Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), 1960 to 2003 (Deputy Director to Director, PAGASA, 1991 – 2003)
- Participation/Attendance in International Conferences, Meetings, etc., on Climate Change
- Professorial Lecturer: Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology (IESM), College of Science, University of the Philippines, 2008 – present
- Project Leader, NRCP-assisted, L-42, “Development of a Conceptual and a Quantitative Typhoon Damage Model” (Feb 16, 2009 – Feb 15, 2011)
- Project Leader, NRCP-assisted, L-44, “Comprehensive risk assessment of the physical, social and economic impacts of tropical cyclones” (December 16, 2012 to December 15, 2013)
- Storm Surge Yolanda @ Basey, W. Samar: Observations and Insights into REHAB w/DRR & CCA,
- Presented at the Post-Yolanda Workshop for LGUs, NGOs and POs, Mapping Yolanda’s impact on Philippine mangroves: impacts and recovery, University of the Philippines in the Visayas-Tacloban city, 13-14 May 2014
- Presented at: Post-Yolanda Workshop, Mapping Yolanda’s impact on Philippine mangroves: impacts and recovery, IESM, UP Diliman, QC, 21-22 March 2014
- Dissecting the Yolanda Disaster – DRR & CCA Analyses, Presented at the CEC Forum, Rising to the challenges of climate change and the environment, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Sta. Mesa, Manila, 22 April 2014
- Storm Surge:Typhoon Yolanda @ Basey, W. Samar, Presented at the: Forum on Typhoon Yolanda: Development, Intensification, Track, Damages and Communicating Advisories, College of Science Auditorium, UPD, 13 Jan 2014
- Philippine Working Group Meeting on Site Selection Assessment and Criteria Ateneo de Manila University Campus, 23 January 2014
- Forum on Typhoon Yolanda, College of Engineering, UP Diliman, Dec. 2013
- Philippine Daily Inquirer, Featured article on “Talk of the Town”, 30 Nov. 2013
- Vulnerability of Philippine buildings to typhoons, Presented at the Wind Vulnerability Workshop, Townsville, Australia, June 2011
- Typhoon Damage Modelling– a Tool for Climate Change Risk Assessment, Presented at the National Conference on Gender and Climate Change, 13-14 January 2011, DSWD Auditorium , Quezon City
- Typhoon Damage/Risk Assessment – a Prerequisite to Adaptation, Presented at the 6th National Meteorological-Hydrological Convention 18-19 November 2010, Quezon City,
- A Conceptual Typhoon Damage Model, Presented at the Earthquake and Severe Wind Exposure and Vulnerability Workshop, 12th and 13th March 2010, Tagaytay City
- Freshwater Resources of the Philippines and the Possible Effects of Climate Change, Final Report, Greenpeace SE-Phil, October 2009, QC
- The Scientific, Socio-Economic and Political Dimensions of Climate Change, Presented at the 76th General Membership Assembly, March 11, 2009, Polkabal-Fiesta Pavilion, Manila Hotel, Rizal Park, Manila
- The Regional Impacts of Climate Change: The Philippine Setting, paper presented at the Seminar on Regional Climate Change and Energy, July 2006, Bangkok, Thailand
- Crisis or Opportunity? Climate Change Impacts and the Philippines, Final Report, Greenpeace Publication, November 2005, Quezon City
- Economic and Social Impacts of Tropical Cyclones and the Warning System – the Philippine Situation, Final Report: Research contract with WMO, Geneva, Switzerland, March 2004- January 2005
- Applications of Climate Information in the Socio-Economic Sectors of the Philippines, WMO Bulletin, Vol. 51, N 4, 2002, Geneva, Switzerland
- Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptaion in Asia and the Pacific Water and Air Pollution, 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers, the Netherlands
- Various scientific articles, papers, publications in local and int’l fora