Diploma in Environmental Science

Diploma in Environmental Science

The Diploma in Environmental Science Program aims to (1) equip its graduate with a basic understanding of the environment and (2) develop and enhance the capabilities of laymen as well as decision makers, policy implementers and educators for proper management of the environment

Admission into the Program
Admission into the M.S. Program shall require:

  1. A Bachelor’s degree in Science or Engineering or their equivalent from a recognized institution o higher learning
  2. A high degree of intellectual capacity and aptitude for graduate study and research
  3. Satisfaction of additional University requirements such as a health clearance and other special admission requirements that may be imposed by the Graduate Committee.

General Requirements for Graduation

To qualify for Diploma in Environmental Science, a student must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. complete at least 20 units of formal graduate courses;
  2. maintain a cumulative weighted average grade (CWAG) of 2.00 or better at the end of each academic year; and
  3. complete 1-unit seminar course.

The course requirement includes 17 units of core courses which includes 15 units of lecture courses and 2 units of laboratory courses; 3 units of Specialization Courses; and 1 unit of Graduate Seminar.

Semestral Study Load
The normal study load per semester shall be 9-12 units of formal courses for full-time students and 6- 9 units for part-time students.

Residence Period
The recommended residence period is 1 year. However, the time limit or “maximum residence period” for the completion of Diploma degree requirements shall be no more than 3 years.

Application for admission into the M.S. program must be accomplished in the Official College Application form and accompanied by official transcript of records, written recommendations from two (2) former professors or experts in the field, and the officially prescribed application fee.

All applications shall be submitted to and processed by the Graduate Office, referred to the Graduate Committee concerned for evaluation and endorsed by the latter to the Dean for official action. Please refer to the Graduate Office-College of Science website for details.