Doctor of Philosophy in Meteorology
The Ph.D. (Meteorology) Program aims to provide students with advanced graduate education in meteorology that will prepare them for top-level scientific careers in government, academic and research institution. The program envisions to produce highly qualified meteorologists capable of pursuing independent research in various fields of specialization in meteorology.
Admission into the Program
Admission into the Ph.D. (Meteorology) Program requires a Bachelor of Science or an M.S. (Meteorology or Physical Oceanography) degree from a recognized institution of higher learning. Applicants must have strong background in physics and mathematics and must possess a very high degree of intellectual capacity and aptitude for advanced study and research. Other admission requirements are listed in the College of Science Guidelines for Graduate Programs.
General Requirement
Qualification for Ph.D. (Meteorology) degree requires the following:
- Completion of a Program of Study consisting of at least forty-five (45) units of formal graduate courses in the case of students admitted into the Ph.D.
Program with only a B.S. degree and of at least twenty-four (24) units of formal graduate courses in the case of students admitted into the Program with a M.S. (Meteorology). Other M.S. degree holders are required to complete at least thirty-nine (39) units of formal graduate courses; - Maintenance of cumulative weighted average grade of “1.75” or better at the end of each academic year until completion of the Program of Study;
- Passing the Preliminary Examination based on the core courses of the Program of Study;
- Passing the Candidacy Examination after completion of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the student’s Program of Study;
- Completion of a Doctoral Dissertation based on an independent and original research;
- Completion of a graduate seminar course during the student’s course work and presentation of a yearly seminar report during the student’s dissertation work;
- Successful defense of the Doctoral Dissertation in a public Doctoral Examination;
- Submission of a scientific preprint based on the approved Doctoral Dissertation and endorsed by the Dissertation Committee as an acceptable article for publication in a reputable scientific journal; and
- Submission of at least six (6) bound and certified copies of the approved Doctoral Dissertation.
Course Curriculum
Student entering the Ph.D. (Meteorology) Program with only a B.S. degree in the program’s discipline or a master degree in a related discipline shall be required to complete at least forty-five (45) units of formal graduate courses. (pdf of POS)
Candidacy Examination
- Nature
The Candidacy Examination is an oral examination that must be taken by the student after passing the Preliminary Examination and completing at least two- thirds (2/3) of his/her program of study. In this examination the student is required to give a seminar on an approved research topic in his/her chosen field of specialization and is examined on his/her- grasp of this chosen field of specialization,
- mastery of the basic principles and methods of the discipline, and
- readiness for dissertation research in the chosen field of specialization.
- Rating of the Candidacy Examination
The Candidacy Examination shall be rated as either “Passed” of “Failed” by a simple majority vote of the special examination panel. Its result must be officially reported by the special examination panel to the Graduate Office through the Meteorology Program Graduate Committee within the first working day after the examination. If the student fails the Candidacy Examination, he/she will be allowed to take a second Candidacy Examination within one (1) year after the first examination. Failure in the second Candidacy Examination shall disqualify the student from the Ph.D. (Meteorology) Program.
The Doctoral Examination
- Standard for the Doctoral
The major requirement for the Ph.D. (Meteorology) degree is the submission of a doctoral dissertation which must:- embody an original, independent and significant scientific research by the
student; - show the student’s capacity to make a critical evaluation of previous work done in his/her chosen research topic; and
- demonstrate his/her ability to present scientific research findings in a clear, systematic, and scholarly manner.
- embody an original, independent and significant scientific research by the
- The Dissertation Proposal
Before the dissertation research can be formally started, the student must first prepare a written dissertation proposal with the advice of his/her Dissertation Committee and submit it to the Meteorology Graduate Committee for approval. Upon approval of his/her dissertation proposal, the student may proceed to carry out his/her dissertation research under the guidance of his/her dissertation committee. A certified copy of the approved dissertation proposal must be submitted by the Meteorology Graduate Committee to the Graduate Office. - Defense of Doctoral Dissertation
The Doctoral Examination, in which the student must defend his/her dissertation before the Doctoral Examination Panel, may be held within the College at any mutually convenient time upon the recommendation of the Doctoral Examination Panel, the endorsement of the Meteorology Graduate Program
Committee, and the formal authorization of the Dean.
The Doctoral Examination may be held only if (a) the student has already satisfied the seminar requirement, (b) the dissertation manuscript has been
received by each member of the Doctoral Examination Panel at least one (1) month beforehand, and (c) at least four (4) members of the Doctoral
Examination Panel are present. The schedule and place of the Doctoral Examination shall be officially announced by the Dean and publicized throughout the College by the Meteorology Graduate Committee at least two (2) weeks beforehand. The schedule of the Doctoral Examination may be changed only upon the recommendation of the Doctoral Examination Panel, the endorsement of the Meteorology Graduate Committee, and the formal authorization of the Dean.
The Doctoral Examination shall be public oral examination lasting no less than two (2) hours and no longer than five (5) hours, In accordance with the examination guidelines of the Meteorology Graduate Committee, questions may be asked by anybody from the audience during the examination, but the evaluation and rating of the student’s dissertation shall be done by the Doctoral Examination Panel in losed-door meeting to be held immediately after the Doctoral Examination.