Diploma in Meteorology
The Diploma in Meteorology Program aims to upgrade the professional competence of meteorological personnel in the country as well as in Southeast Asia and the Pacific region through the provision of graduate training in Meteorology. It seeks to fill the need for highly qualified meteorologists in the local and regional weather services, aviation and shipping industries, and in agro-industrial concerns where their expertise is also needed.
Admission into the Program
Admission into the M.S. Program shall require:
- A Bachelor of Science degree from a recognized institution of higher learning with strong background in Mathematics and Physics.
- A high degree of intellectual capacity and aptitude for graduate study and research.
- Satisfaction of additional University requirements such as a health clearance and other special admission requirements that may be imposed by the Graduate Committee.
General Requirements for Graduation
To obtain the Diploma in Meteorology, a student must complete a minimum of 24 units of formal graduate course and maintain a cumulative weighted average grade of 2.0 or better. The course requirements include 15 units of core courses, 3 units of Meteo 233 (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics), and 6 units of elective.
Semestral Study Load
The normal study load per semester shall be 12 units of formal courses for full-time students and 6-9 units for part-time students.
Residence Period
The recommended residence period is 1 year. However, the time limit or “maximum residence period” for the completion of Diploma degree requirements shall be no more than 3 years.
Application for admission into the Diploma program must be accomplished in the Official College Application form and accompanied by official transcript of records, written recommendations from two (2) former professors or experts in the field, and the officially prescribed application fee.
All applications shall be submitted to and processed by the Graduate Office, referred to the Graduate Committee concerned for evaluation and endorsed by the latter to the Dean for official action. Please refer to the Graduate Office-College of Science website for details.