Olivia Cabrera, Ph.D.
Associate Professor 7
Contact(s): ocabrera@iesm.upd.edu.ph or occabrera@up.edu.ph
Educ. Background:
Ph.D. Marine Science, University of the Philippines
M.S. in Marine Science, University of the Philippines
B.S. in Biology, University of the Philippines
Head: Sea-Air Interaction Laboratory
Interests & Research ProjectsCourses Teaching & Other InfoPublication
- Sea-Air-Land Interaction
- Upper Ocean Dynamics
- Ocean Circulation
- Wind and Waves
- Modeling
- Wave Exposure Maps
- Topographic Interactions
- Ocean Optics
- Phytoplankton Pigments and Productivity
Current Research Project and Collaboration:
- Regional Scales of Variability in Precipitation (RSVP) Project
- Spatiotemporal Distribution and relative abundance of small cetaceans along southern Tañon Strait in relation to environmental factors
- Benham Rise Potential Productivity Research Project
- National Assessment for the Coral Reef Environmental (NACRE) Project (Watershed and Ocean Parameters for the Assessment of Coral Reef Health [WOPAC])
- Coastal Assessment for Rehabilitation Enhancement:Capability Development and Resiliency of EcoSystems (CARE-CaDRES)
Courses Teaching:
- Env. Sci. 1 (Environment and Society)
- Env. Sci. 271.1 (Photonic Techniques)
- Env. Sci. 271 (Principles of Photonic Techniques for Environmental Science)
- Env. Sci. 297 (Special Topics in Environmental Science)
- Env. Sci. 299 (Independent Master’s Study)
- Env. Sci. 399 (Independent Doctoral Study)
- Meteo 203 (Methods of Analytical Meteorology and Oceanography)
- Meteo 204 (Tropical Meteorology)
- Meteo 206 (Hydrometeorology)
- Meteo 211 (Climatology)
Recent Publications:
- Manuel, A., A.C. Blanco, O. Cabrera, and M.L. San Diego-McGlone. (2021). Mapping Coloured Dissolved Organic Matter in Manila Bay Using Sentinel-3 and WASI. The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLVI-4/W6-2021, 207–212.
- Yoneyama, K., M. Fujita, A. Seiki, R. Shirooka, S. Yokoi, E.O. Cayanan, C.O. Iglesia, O.C. Cabrera. (2021). Evaluation of LMS6 and RS41 Radiosonde Humidity Data Obtained during YMC-Boreal Summer Monsoon Study in 2018 and 2020, Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II, 99(4), 1115-1125
- Macalalad, R., Badilla, R., Cabrera, O., and Bagtasa, G. (2021). Hydrological response of the Pampanga River Basin in the Philippines to intense tropical cyclone rainfall. Journal of Hydrometeorology (in press). https://doi.org/10.1175/JHM-D-20-0184.1
- Manuel, A., Blanco, A. C., Tamondong, A. M., Jalbuena, R., Cabrera, O., & Gege, P. (2020), Optmization of bio-optical model parameters for turbid lake water quality estimation using Landsat 8 and wasi-2D. The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 42, 67-72. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-3-W11-67-2020, 2020.
- Rodrigo, S.M.T., Villanoy, C.L., Briones, J.C., Bilgera, P.H.T., Cabrera, O.C.C., Narisma, G.T.T., (2018), The mapping of storm surge-prone areas and characterizing surge-producing cyclones in Leyte Gulf, Philippines. Natural Hazards 92: 1305. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-018-3252-9
- Soria, J. L. A., Switzer, A. D., Villanoy, C. L., Fritz, H.M., Bilgera, P. H. T., Cabrera, O. C., Siringan, F. P., Yacat-Sta. Maria, Y., Ramos, R.D., and Fernandez, I.Q. (2016), Repeat Storm Surge Disasters of Typhoon Haiyan and Its 1897 Predecessor in the Philippines. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97, 31–48
- Cabrera, O.C., Villanoy, C.L., Alabia, I.D., and Gordon, A.L. (2015), Shifts in chlorophyll a off eastern Luzon, Philippines, associated with the North Equatorial Current bifurcation latitude. Oceanography 28(4):46–53, http://dx.doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2015.80 W.Y.Licuanan.
- Samson, M.S., Mamauag, S.S., David, L.T., Borja-Del Rosario, R., Quibilan, M.C.C., Siringan, F.P., Sta Maria, M.Y.Y., España, N.B., Villanoy, C.L., Geronimo, R.C., Cabrera, O.C., Martinez, R.J.S., and Aliño, P.M. (2015), I-C-SEA Change: A participatory tool for rapid assessment of vulnerability of tropical coastal communities to climate change impacts. AMBIO A Journal of the Human Environment 06/2015; DOI:10.1007/ s13280-015-0652-x
- Pullen, J., Gordon, A. L., Flatau, M., Doyle, J. D., Villanoy, C., & Cabrera, O. (2015), Multiscale influences on extreme winter rainfall in the Philippines. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 1–18. doi:10.1002/2014JD022645
- Cabrera, O. C., Villanoy, C.L., Jacinto, G.S., Bernardo, L.P.C., Ferrera, C.M., Velasquez, I.B., and Azanza, R.V. (2014), Salt-plug estuarine circulation in Malampaya Sound, Palawan, Philippines, Philipp. Sci. Lett.7(2), 428–437.
- Villanoy C. L., Salamante, E., and Cabrera, O. (2013), Chapter 3. Exposure: waves and storm surges. In: MERF, 2013. Vulnerability assessment tools for coastal ecosystems: A Guidebook. Marine Environment and Resources Foundation, Inc. Quezon City, Philippines.
- Villanoy, C., David, L., Cabrera, O., Atrigenio, M., Siringan, F., Aliño, P., and Villaluz, M. (2012), Coral reef ecosystems protect shore from high-energy waves under climate change scenarios, Climatic Change, doi:10.1007/s10584-012-0399-3.
- Cabrera, O. C., Villanoy, C.L., David, L.T., and Gordon, A.L. (2011), Barrier layer control of entrainment and upwelling in the Bohol Sea, Philippines, Oceanography, 24(1), 130–141
- Villanoy, C. L., Cabrera, O.C., Yniguez, A., Camoying, M., De Guzman, A., David, L.T., and Flament, P. (2011), Monsoon-Driven Coastal Upwelling, Oceanography, 24(1), 156–165.
- Senal, M. I. S., Jacinto, G. S., San Diego-McGlone, M. L., Siringan, F., Zamora, P., Soria, L., Cardenas, M. B., Villanoy, C., and Cabrera, O. (2011), Nutrient inputs from submarine groundwater discharge on the Santiago reef flat, Bolinao, Northwestern Philippines., Marine Pollution Bulletin, 63(5-12), 195–200, doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2011.05.037.
- Cardenas, M. B., Zamora, P. B., Siringan, F. P., Lapus, M. R., Rodolfo, R. S., Jacinto, G. S., San Diego-McGlone, M. L., Villanoy, C. L., Cabrera, O., and Senal, M. I. (2010), Linking regional sources and pathways for submarine groundwater discharge at a reef by electrical resistivity tomography, 222 Rn, and salinity measurements, Geophysical Research Letters, 37(16), 1–6, doi: 10.1029/2010GL044066