Tolentino B. Moya, Ph. D.
Professorial Lecturer
Educ. Background:
Ph.D. Agricultural Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca NY (1992)
Interests / ProjectsCourses Handled & Other InformationPublication
- Hydro-Ecology
- Hydro-Meteorology
- Modeling Dynamics of Ecological System
- Systems Analysis and Systems Dynamics and Modeling of Environmental Systems
- Water Quality Studies
Courses Teaching:
Recent studies
- Tinio, M.M.R., Rollon, A.P., Moya, T.B. 2019. Synergy in the urban solid waste management system in Malolos City, Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science, 148(1), Pages 73-79
- Moya, T.B. 2018. Resilience of Irrigation Systems to Climate Variability and Change: A Review of the Adaptive Capacity of Philippine Irrigation Systems, DLSU Business & Economics Review, 28, pp. 102-120.
- Mie Sein, Z. M., A. R. M. Towfiqul Islam, K.W. Maw , T.B. Moya. 2015. Characterization of Southwest Monsoon onset over Myanmar. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, October 2015, Volume 127, Issue 5, pp 587-603. First Online: 17 June 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s00703-015-0386-0.
- Francisco, R., R. Nacario, L. Dalida, and T Moya, 2014. Warming trends in the Legazpi City, Philippines, IAMURE Int’l J. of Ecology and Conservation Vol. 12, No 1. 40-53.
Environmental studies
- Moya, T. B. and B. S. Malayang III. 2004. Climate variability and deforestation reforestation dynamics in the Philippines. Environment, Development and Sustainability Journal, VI(1- 2):261-277.
- Moya, T. B., B. S. Malayang III, P. Thongbai, L. P. Lebel. 2004. Forest exploitation,agricultural expansion and intensification in Southeast Asia. (In press)
- Moya, T. B., L. H. Ziska, O. S. Namuco, and D. Olszyk. 1998. Growth dynamics and genotypic variation in tropical, field-grown paddy rice (Oryza sativa, L.) in response to increasing carbon dioxide and temperature. Global Change Biology 4:645-656.
- Moya, T. B., L. H. Ziska, C. Weldon, J. P. E. Quilang, and P. Jones. 1997. An assessment of microclimate in an open-top chamber system: implications for predicting climate change effects on rice production. Trans. Am. Soc. Ag. Eng. 40(3):739-747.
- Moya, T. B., B. S. Malayang, L. P. Lebel. 2001. Improving Synergy between Forest Exploitation and Agricultural Expansion and Intensification in Southeast Asia. Proceedings published in CD-ROM. Workshop on Sustaining Upland Development in Southeast Asia. Issues, tools, and institutions for local resource management, ACCEED Conference Center, Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines.28-30 May 2001.
- Moya, T. B. (ed). 1999. Greenhouse gas emissions, aerosols and land use and cover changes in Southeast Asia. Bangkok, Thailand : Southeast Asia Regional Committee for START.
- With R. Wassman and R. S. Lantin. 1998. Rice and the global environment. In N. G. Dowling, S. M. Greenfield, and K. S. Fischer. Sustainability of Rice in the Global Food System. Davis, California (USA): Pacific Basin Study Center and Manila, Philippines : International Rice Research Institute. 404p.
- With Ziska, L. H., R. Wassman, O. S. Namuco, R. S. Lantin, J. B. Aduna, E. Abao Jr., K. F. Bronson, H. U. Neue, and D. Olszyk. 1998. Long-term growth at elevated carbon dioxide stimulates methane emission in tropical paddy rice. Global Change Biology 4:657-665.
- With Ziska, L. H., O. S. Namuco, and J. P. E. Quilang. 1997. Growth and yield response of field-grown rice to increasing carbon dioxide and temperature. Agron. J. 89(1):45-53.
Crop research
- with Wade, L. J., G. Pantuwan, K. Regmi, and B. K. Samson. 1996. Research at IRRI on rice root systems for drought resistance. In S. Morita and J. Abe (eds). Perspective on Ideotype of Rice Root System. Singapore : World Scientific Publishing .
- with O’Toole, J. C. 1981 Comparison of pressure chamber and psychrometer estimates of leaf water potential in rice. Plant and Soil. LXII(2): 313-317. with O’Toole, J. C. 1981. Water deficits and yield in upland rice. Field Crops Research. IV(2):247-259.
- with O’Toole, J. C. 1978. Genotypic variation in maintenance of leaf water potential in rice. Crop Science. XVIII:873-876.
Natural resource management studies
- Moya, T. B. and M. F. Walter. 1988. Irrigation system operations intensity and relative water supply: The Asian case. Water Management Synthesis Project. Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. 90pp.
- Moya, T. B. 1981 Experience on the Lower Talavera River Irrigation System. Overseas Development Institute, Agricultural Administration Unit, Irrigation Management Network Paper 2/81/1.
- Moya, T. B. and H. Murray-Rust. 1985. Water management issues for deep tubewell irrigation. J. of Phil. Soc. of Ag. Eng. XIV(4):14-1. with Early, A. C., B. Gilles, and F. Butlig. 1980. Measurement and control in irrigation system management. Phil. J. Ag. Eng. 11(2) : 10-15.
- Moya, T. B. 1985. An evaluation of water distribution within the tertiary areas of the Philippine Lower Talavera River Irrigation System. Pages 28-46 in T. H. Wickham (ed). Irrigation Management Research in Southeast Asia. Agricultural Development Council, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Moya, T. B. and S. M. Miranda. 1989. Socio-technical Issues in diversifying rice-based irrigation systems. Pages 4-19 in A. B. Valera (ed). Crop Diversification in Irrigated Agriculture in the Philippines. International Irrigation Management Institute, Sri Lanka.
- Moya, T. B., W. C. dela Vina, and S. I. Bhuiyan. 1994. Potential of on-farm reservoir use for increasing productivity of rainfed rice areas: The Philippine case. Pages 59-69 in S. I. Bhuiyan (ed) On-Farm Reservoir Systems for Rainfed Ricelands. International Rice Research Institute, Philippines.
- Moya, T. B., W. C. dela Vina, and S. I. Bhuiyan. 1986. The potential of farm reservoir use in increasing the productivity of rainfed areas. J. of Crop Science Society, II(2):125-132.
- with Maglinao, A. R., D. M. Cablayan, R. C. Undan, and C. M. Pascual. 1993. Main irrigation system management for rice-based farming systems in the Philippines. Pages 59-100 in S. M. Miranda and A. R. Maglinao (eds) Irrigation management for rice-based farming systems in Bangladesh, Indonesia, and the Philippines. International Irrigation Management Institute, Sri Lanka.
- with Gines, H. C., R. K. Pandey, and V. R. Carangal. 1989. Crop diversification: problems, prospects in partially irrigated rice-based farming systems. Pages 147- 166 in A. B. Valera (ed). Crop Diversification in Irrigated Agriculture in the Philippines. International Irrigation Management Institute, Sri Lanka.
- with Tabbal, D. F. 1983. Water management practices and irrigation requirements for rice. In Rice Production Manual, 4th ed. University of the Philippines at Los Banos, Laguna.