1. Abbas, A., Baek, S., Kim, M., Ligaray, M., Ribolzi, O., Silvera, N., Min, J.-H., Boithias, L., Cho, K.H. (November 2020). Surface and sub-surface flow estimation at high temporal resolution using deep neural networks. Journal of Hydrology, 590, art. no. 125370. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125370
  2. Algodon, M., Takahashi, Y., Sato, M., Kubota, H., Ishida, T., Yamashita, K., Castro, E. C., Estrebillo, L. J., Purwadi, P., Perez, G. J. P., Marciano, J. J., Matsumoto, J., Hamada, J. I., Tsuboki, K., Yamada, H. (December 2020). 3D Reconstruction of Typhoon and Thunderstorm Cloud Top Using Airborne Camera. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, SY047-02. https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020AGUFMSY047..02A/abstract
  3. Ang, P.D., Perez, G.J.P. (December 2020). ENSO-associated drivers of Philippine air temperature variability.AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, A032-0011. https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020AGUFMA032.0011A/abstract
  4. Bacaoco, M.Y., Juguilon, V.P., Cafe, A.I., Tugado, C.A., Faustino, M.A.B., Bagtasa, G., Estacio, E.S. (2020). Design of a Low-cost Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy Set-up for Simultaneous Monitoring of Atmospheric NO2 Concentration and Aerosol Optical. Science Diliman 32 (2). https://sciencediliman.upd.edu.ph/index.php/sciencediliman/article/view/7385
  5. Bagtasa, G. (06 October 2020). Influence of madden-julian oscillation on the intraseasonal variability of summer and winter monsoon rainfall in the Philippines. Journal of Climate, 33 (22), pp. 9581-9594. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0305.1
  6. Bagtasa, G. (Febuary 2020). 118-year climate and extreme weather events of Metropolitan Manila in the Philippines. International Journal of Climatology, 40 (2), pp. 1228-1240. https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.6267
  7. Bagtasa, G., Yuan, C.-S. (August 2020). Influence of local meteorology on the chemical characteristics of fine particulates in Metropolitan Manila in the Philippines. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 11 (8), pp. 1359-1369. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apr.2020.05.013
  8. Braun, R.A., Azadi Aghdam, M., Angela Bañaga, P., Betito, G., Obiminda Cambaliza, M., Templonuevo Cruz, M., Rose Lorenzo, G., MacDonald, A.B., Bernard Simpas, J., Stahl, C., Sorooshian, A. (28 February 2020). Long-range aerosol transport and impacts on size-resolved aerosol composition in Metro Manila, Philippines. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20 (4), pp. 2387-2405. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-20-2387-2020
  9. Brotoisworo, P.P., Sabuito, A.J.C., Merida, H.C., Felix, M.J.B., Perez, G.J.P. (2020). Image coregistration and mosaicking of diwata microsatellite imagery. ACRS 2020 – 41st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing,
  10. Capule, M.C., David, C.P., Geronia, M.C. (15 June 2020). Estimating the long term leaching potential of PCBS in soil. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 9 (3), pp. 282-291. http://ejss.fess.org/10.18393/ejss.753279
  11. Castro, E., Ishida, T., Takahashi, Y., Kubota, H., Perez, G.J., Marciano, J.S., Jr. (05 May 2020). Determination of Cloud-top Height through Three-dimensional Cloud Reconstruction using DIWATA-1 Data. Scientific Reports, 10 (1), art. no. 7570. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-64274-z
  12. Cho, K.H., Pachepsky, Y., Ligaray, M., Kwon, Y., Kim, K.H. (01 November 2020). Data assimilation in surface water quality modeling: A review. Water Research, 186, art. no. 116307. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2020.116307
  13. Del Rosario, R., Ang, P.D., Enricuso, O., Perez, G.J.P. (2020). Philippine soil moisture monitoring with AWS and satellites. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, H006-0012. https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020AGUFMH006.0012D/abstract
  14. Esquinas, G.G.M.S., Mantala, A.P., Atilano, M.G., Apugan, R.P., Galarpe,R.K V..R. (May 2020). Physical characterization of litter and microplastic along the urban coast of Cagayan de Oro in Macajalar Bay, Philippines. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 154, art. no. 111083. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111083
  15. Felix, M.J., Perez, G.J. (2020). Water quality assessment of laguna de bay using modis surface reflectance mod09ga product. ACRS 2020 – 41st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing.
  16. Fiegalan, F.T., Ringor, C.L., Moya, T.B. (2020). Incorporation of rice residues through tillage enhances soil organic matter accumulation in rice land. Philippine Journal of Science, 149 (4), pp. 1039-1048.
  17. Haerani, H., Apan, A., Basnet, B. (15 August 2020). The climate-induced alteration of future geographic distribution of aflatoxin in peanut crops and its adaptation options. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 25 (6), pp. 1149-1175. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11027-020-09927-0
  18. Hilario, M.R.A., Cruz, M.T., Bañaga, P.A., Betito, G., Braun, R.A., Stahl, C., Cambaliza, M.O., Lorenzo, G.R., MacDonald, A.B., AzadiAghdam, M., Pabroa, P.C., Yee, J.R., Simpas, J.B., Sorooshian, A. (03 June 2020). Characterizing Weekly Cycles of Particulate Matter in a Coastal Megacity: The Importance of a Seasonal, Size-Resolved, and Chemically Speciated Analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125 (13), art. no. e2020JD032614. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JD032614
  19. Hilario, M.R.A., Cruz, M.T., Cambaliza, M.O.L., Reid, J.S., Xian, P., Simpas, J.B., Lagrosas, N.D., Uy, S.N.Y., Cliff, S., Zhao, Y. (04 February 2020). Investigating size-segregated sources of elemental composition of particulate matter in the South China Sea during the 2011 Vasco cruise. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20 (3), art. no. 2020, pp. 1255-1276. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-20-1255-2020
  20. Laggui, H. L., Aragones, L. V., & Cabrera, O. C. (2020, February). Space-time analyses and association with environmental factors of marine mammal stranding across biogeographic regions of the Philippines. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020. Agu.
  21. Manuel, A., Blanco, A.C., Tamondong, A.M., Jalbuena, R., Cabrera, O., Gege, P. (14 February 2020). OPTMIZATION of BIO-OPTICAL MODEL PARAMETERS for TURBID LAKE WATER QUALITY ESTIMATION USING LANDSAT 8 and WASI-2D. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS Archives, 42 (3/W11), pp. 67-72. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-3-W11-67-2020
  22. Ohyama, H., Morino, I., Velazco, V.A., Klausner, T., Bagtasa, G., Kiel, M., Frey, M., Hori, A., Uchino, O., Matsunaga, T., Deutscher, N.M., Digangi, J.P., Choi, Y., Diskin, G.S., Pusede, S.E., Fiehn, A., Roiger, A., Lichtenstern, M., Schlager, H., Wang, P.K., Chou, C.C.-K., Andrés-Hernández, M.D., Burrows, J.P. (30 September 2020). Validation of XCO2and XCH4retrieved from a portable Fourier transform spectrometer with those from in situ profiles from aircraft-borne instruments. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 13 (10), pp. 5149-5163. https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-13-5149-2020
  23. Palermo, J.D.H., Labrador, K.L., Follante, J.D., Agmata, A.B., Pante, M.J.R., Rollon, R.N., David, L.T. (July 2020). Susceptibility of Sardinella lemuru to emerging marine microplastic pollution. Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 6 (3), art. no. 07, pp. 373-384. https://doi.org/10.22034/gjesm.2020.03.07
  24. Pant, G., Maraseni, T., Apan, A., Allen, B.L. (September 2020). Climate change vulnerability of Asia’s most iconic megaherbivore: greater one-horned rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis). Global Ecology and Conservation, 23, art. no. e01180. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01180
  25. Perez, G.J., Comiso, J.C., Aragones, L.V., Merida, H.C., Ong, P.S. (06 October 2020). Reforestation and deforestation in Northern Luzon, Philippines: Critical issues as observed from space. Forests, 11 (10), art. no. 1071, pp. 1-20. https://doi.org/10.3390/f11101071
  26. Perez, G.J., Enricuso, O., Manauis, K., Valete, M.A. (2020). Monitoring the Evolution of Drought Severity in the Philippines during the 2019 El Niño. 100th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting. https://ams.confex.com/ams/2020Annual/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/368778
  27. Perez, G.J., Felix, M.J., Namuco, S., Felicio, F., Merida, H., Vergel, K.K., Castro, E., Marciano, J.J.S., Jr. (2020). Environmental monitoring using Philippines’ DIWata-2: A case study in Laguna de Bay. 40th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, ACRS 2019: Progress of Remote Sensing Technology for Smart Future.
  28. Phung, H.-P., Lam-Dao, N., Nguyen-Huy, T., Le-Toan, T., Apan, A.A. (18 March 2020). Monitoring rice growth status in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam using multitemporal Sentinel-1 data. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 14 (1), art. no. 014518. https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JRS.14.014518
  29. Racadio, C.D.T., Castañeda, S.S., Cariño, F.A., Mendoza, N.D.S. (2020). Isotopic data for inferring groundwater dynamics in Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science, 149 (1), pp. 189-199.
  30. Sabuito, A.J., Canlas, C.P., Felix, M.J., Perez, G.J. (2020). Benguet forest fire burned area & taal ash extent estimation using support vector machine & thresholding techniques. ACRS 2020 – 41st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing.
  31. Sangalang, S., Valencia, C., Lemence, A., Cayetano, M., Kistemann, T., Borgemeister, C. (October 2020). Improved health literacy and handwashing in schoolchildren: Impact of a school-based education program delivered by innovative college students in manila. APHA’s 2020 VIRTUAL Annual Meeting and Expo (Oct. 24-28). https://apha.confex.com/apha/2020/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/481518
  32. Sangalang, S., Valencia, C., Lemence, A., Cayetano, M., Kristemann, T., Borgemeister, C. (2020, October 27). Did a school-based intervention improve children’s health literacy, handwashing, nutrition status or schools’ sanitation facilities? a quasi-experimental trial in manila. APHA – APHA’s 2020 VIRTUAL Annual Meeting and Expo (Oct. 24 – 28). https://apha.confex.com/apha/2020/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/482044
  33. Sangalang, S.O., Prado, N.O., Lemence, A.L.G., Cayetano, M.G., Lu, J.L., Valencia, J.C., Kistemann, T., Borgemeister, C. (2020). Diarrhea, Helminth Infection, Dehydration, and Malnutrition Associated with Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Facilities and Poor Handwashing in Schools in Metro Manila, Philippines: A Cross-Sectional Study. medRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.12.13.20248141
  34. Solera, L., Villanoy, C., Repollo, C.L.A., Cabrera, O.C. (February 2020). Observed modifications to the Northwest Luzon Coastal Current from the interaction of wind and eddy fields. Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020. https://agu.confex.com/agu/osm20/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/657793
  35. Stahl, C., Cruz, M.T., Bañaga, P.A., Betito, G., Braun, R.A., Aghdam, M.A., Cambaliza, M.O., Lorenzo, G.R., MacDonald, A.B., Pabroa, P.C., Yee, J.R., Simpas, J.B., Sorooshian, A. (29 April 2020). An annual time series of weekly size-resolved aerosol properties in the megacity of Metro Manila, Philippines. Scientific Data, 7 (1), art. no. 128. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-0466-y
  36. Stahl, C., Templonuevo Cruz, M., Angela Banãga, P., Betito, G., Braun, R.A., Azadi Aghdam, M., Obiminda Cambaliza, M., Rose Lorenzo, G., MacDonald, A.B., Hilario, M.RicardoA., Corazon Pabroa, P., Robin Yee, J., Bernard Simpas, J., Sorooshian, A. (21 December 2020). Sources and characteristics of size-resolved particulate organic acids and methanesulfonate in a coastal megacity: Manila, Philippines. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20 (24), art. no. acp-20-15907-2020, pp. 15907-15935. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-20-15907-2020
  37. Takahashi, Y., Sato, M., Kubota, H., Ishida, T., Algodon, M., Castro, E., Estrebillo, L., Purwadi, P., Perez, G., Yamashita, K., Matsumoto, J., Hamada, J. (May 2020). Ground-based lightning and AWS network system for alert of torrential rainfall and typhoon combined with micro-satellite constellation. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 20990. DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-20990
  38. Valete, M.A.P., Perez, G.J.P., Enricuso, O.B., Comiso, J.C. (2020). Spatiotemporal evaluation of historical drought in the Philippines. 40th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, ACRS 2019: Progress of Remote Sensing Technology for Smart Future.
  39. Vallejo, B.M., Jr, Ong, R.A.C. (October 2020). Policy responses and government science advice for the COVID 19 pandemic in the Philippines: January to April 2020. Progress in Disaster Science, 7, art. no. 100115, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pdisas.2020.100115
  40. Veloria, A., Perez, G.J., Tapang, G., Comiso, J. (2020). Comparison between GPM and gridded precipitation product from interpolated rain gauge measurements. 40th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, ACRS 2019: Progress of Remote Sensing Technology for Smart Future.