Air, Water and Soil contaminants and transport
Environmental Pollution Studies is concerned about determining the level and extent of contamination in air, water and soil. It also aims to determine and describe how the contamination is transported from different spheres of the Earth.
Current Project
TRACe Fish: Trace oRganics and metAls in Commodity Fish: Method optimization, extent of contamination and health risk due to fish intake (2017)
Previous project
Manila Aerosol Characterization Experiment 2015; Polycylic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in size-segregated atmospheric particulate matter from a traffic site in Quezon City, Philippines (2015)

Environmental toxicology
EPSL also aims to describe and address adverse ecological health risks due to hazardous contaminants present in air. Future direction may include expansion into the field of air and soil contaminants.
Previous Project:
Polycylic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in size-segregated atmospheric particulate matter from a traffic site in Quezon City, Philippines (2015)

Air and Water Quality Management
Having issues in the Philippines regarding air and water quality, EPSL aims to develop and recommend policies that will help to improve the air and water quality for sustainable future. It also wants to train concerned personnel from both private and government sectors to have better environmental management.
Current Project:
Prevented emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and particulate mattrer due to fleet shifting from conventional to electric tricycle (2017); Technical assistance to the air quality monitoring system of Rotary Club of Makati (2016)

Emissions Inventory
Emissions from vehicles, cookstoves, and biomass burning are some of the sources of air pollution in urban areas. EPSL is dedicated in conducting researches to broaden and deepen the knowledge on the impacts of these emissions to the state of the quality of air.
Current Project
Concentration ratios and molecular markers of PAHs in three Metro Manila ambient sites and from a selected emission source (2017)
Previous Project
Emission factors from motor vehicle pollution sources using a wind tunnel set-up (2014-2015); Determination of Particulate and Elemental emission factors from Selected Area and Point Sources in Metro Manila (2014)

Clean Air for megacities and smaller cities
With the rapid growth of vehicles in the urban areas, traffic-generated emissions have been a significant contributor to urban air pollution. EPSL, in collaboration with UNU and GIST joint programme, studies local emissions and their health impacts in Philippine cities such as Metro Manila and Baguio City. This venture aims to provide scientific knowledge and better understanding of the relationship between roadway emissions and the hazard of human exposure to air pollutants.
Previous Project
LEAP PH Megacities: Local Emissions, Air Pollution and Public Health studies in Philippine megacities

Aquatic ecosystems rehabilitation
EPSL is also interested to restore ecological integrity of various aquatic ecosystems of contaminated and degraded habitats for the benefit of the environment and the people.
Current Project
Synergistic Capacity Advancement for the Management of Laguna Lake: SCALE (2017)
Other Research Interests
Sustainable Transport
With issues such as climate change and rapid population growth, the shift to a more sustainable means of transport is needed now more than ever. EPSL is involved in projects which help provide baseline for the implementation of more eco-friendly transportation.
Current Project
Prevented emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and particulate matter due to fleet shifting from conventional to electric tricycle (2017)
Previous project
Emission factors from motor vehicle pollution sources using a wind tunnel set-up (2014-2015)
Green Chemistry
EPSL is also dedicated to producing the least possible amount of hazardous chemical waste in all its projects and analytical services. By developing strategies to minimize waste, EPSL aims to be the standard in for sustainable research practices.
Climate Change and co-benefits
EPSL aims to study climate change and mitigate the impact of climate change in the Philippines and other neighbouring nations. It also wants to study and develop various climate change co-benefits for impact mitigation such as technological innovation, energy-supply security, etc.
Current Project
Understanding the Impacts of Climate Change and Towards Adaptation in the Philippines (2017-2022), Year 1: Assessing the integrity of megacities environment: air and water quality
Cook stoves and indoor air pollution
Indoor air pollution from solid fuels is one of the top 10 causes of disease both globally and in Southeast Asia. EPSL aims to address the gap in the management of air quality by testing local cook stoves fuels generating local emission factors that can be used for better assessment of local emissions and for public health protection.
Previous Study
Particulate Emission Factor of Key Area Pollution Sources derived from Wind Tunnel Experiments (2014)