
Enrico L. Replan, PhD, RF
Assistant Professor
Educational Background
- PhD Environmental Science (University of the Philippines, Los Baños, 2022)
- MSc Forestry (University of the Philippines, Los Baños, 2016)
- BSc Forestry (University of the Philippines, Los Baños, 2014)
- Cerftificate in Forestry (University of the Philippines, Los Baños, 2009)
Research Interests
- Biodiversity Assessment & Monitoring (Flora and Fauna); Terrestrial Ecology StudyMangrove Forest Ecology and Assessment
- Indigenous Landscape Analysis & Landscape Elements
- Mangrove Forest Ecology
- Terrestrial Ecology
- Forest Rehabilitation and Restoration
- Forest Surveying, Mapping, Mensuration & Inventory
- Forest Resources Management and Planning
- Watershed Characterization and Management Planning
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- Biological Research (Macro and Micro Propagation)
- Community Organizing and Social Survey
- Landscape Planning and Management
- Park, Ecotourism Plan, Business Plan, Feasibility Study
- Urban landscape Ecology
- Estate Landscapes and Maintenance Ecology Research
- Comprehensive Landscape Architectural Design and Planning
- Landscape Site Selection and Analysis Research
- Ecological assessment and monitoring of biodiversity in terrestrial coastal and aquatic ecosystem¸ landscape ecology and diversity; biodiversity
- Climate change vulnerability assessment of protected areas, others related to pollution adjudication
- Env. Sci. 1 (Environment and Society)
- Gassner, A.; Dobie P; Duque-Piñon C; Replan E.L.; Pulhin F B; Mohd Noor F M; Vidal A; Rodel D L; Öborn I (2021). Rethinking agroforestry – Shifting the income incentives from the agricultural component to the tree component. The Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF). DOI:
- Eduardo Calzeta, Sofia Alaira, Enrico L. Replan, Cherry Padilla, Robert Patrick Cabangbang, Thaddeus Lawas, Rico Ancog. “Geospatial Biodiversity Assessment of Lagadlarin Mangrove Forest in Lobo, Batangas, Philippines for Sustainable Ecotourism”. University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) OVCRE. Journal of Environmental Science and Management (JESAM). Issue Vol 27 No 1 (2024) DOI:
- Enrico L. Replan, Jessica D. Villanueva, Janice B. Sevilla-Nastor, Alon J. Velasquez, Maria Victoria O. Espaldon (2023) “Riparian Vegetation Assessment for Effective Management of Molawin River, Mt. Makiling, Philippines” University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) OVCRE. Journal of Environmental Science and Management (JESAM). Vol 26 No 1 (2023). DOI:
- Jessica D. Villanueva, Jonathan D. Austria, Kendrick Mico Faronilo, Aywin Rosette Sunga-Lim, Enrico L. Replan, Janice B. Sevilla-Nastor, Renante Abuyan, and Nicolas Peyraube (2022). “Effect of Lockdown on Food Security during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Philippines: Two Months after Implementation”. Philippine Journal of Science Vol. 151 No. 4, August 2022
- Arthur Glenn A. Umali, Pastor L. Malabrigo, Jr., and Enrico L. Replan (2018) Floral Diversity andHabitat Assessment at Mt. Malarayat Brgy. Malitlit, Lipa City, Batangas. Ecosystems & Development Journal 8(1): 3–14April 2018 ISSN 2012–3612.
- Replan, et al (2019). Rediscovering Boracay: An Introductory Guide to the Island’s Terrestrial Flora and Fauna. Coffee tablebook. Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau-Department of Environment and Naturak Resources (ERDB-DENR). SESAM-UPLB. ISBN: 978-971-8831-57-1.
- Pastor L. Malabrigo Jr., Marco A. Galang, Rolly C. Urriza, Arthur Glenn A. Umali, Enrico L. Replan, Jan Joseph V. Dida, Rachel Andrea Q. Bermundo, Adriane B. Tobias, Jeferson C. Boncodin (2017). Mangrove Forest Inventory and Estimation of Carbon Storage and Sedimentation in Pagbilao. WAVES, Philippines Statistics Authority. Technical Report, application/pdf, 112pages. POI:
- Replan, E.L. and Malaki, AB.B. “Floral Diversity and Habitat Assessment of Mt. Canbantug, Argao, Cebu, Philippines”. Technical Journal Article (Thomson Reuters Journal). International Journal on Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER). Volume 8, Issue 10, October-2017 ISSN 2229-5518 October 2017.
- Replan, E.L. “Floral Diversity and Carbon Stock of Hamilo Coast Pico De Loro Cove Residential Resort in Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines”. Working Paper Article. Technical Journal Article (Thomson Reuters Journal) In Press. International Journal on Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER). October 2017.
- Malabrigo, P.L., Umali, A.G.A., and Replan, E.L. “Damage Assessment and Recovery Monitoring of Mangrove Forests in Calauit Island After Typhoon Yolanda”. Published Journal Article. Technical Journal Article (ISI Journal). Journal of Environmental Science and Management (JESAM) Special Issue No.2 ISSN 0119-1144. May 2016.
- Malabrigo, P.L., Umali, A.G.A., and Replan, E.L. “Plant Diversity Assessment of Mt. Malarayat, Brgy. Malitlit, Lipa, Batangas”. Ecosystems & Development Journal 8(1): 3–14. April 2018 ISSN 2012–3612. August 2017.
- Replan, E. L. “Taxonomic Delineation of True Mangroves and Mangrove Associates Using Anatomical and Morphological Characteristics”. (IN PRESS) Unpublished Thesis. MS Forestry. Graduate School, UPLB. (July 2014).
Conferences / Scientific Presentations
- Training on Newly Developed Fire Danger Rating System (FDRS) for the Design, Development, Installation, Configuration, and testing of Forest Fire Danger Rating System (FDRS). Nationwide Training: Cluster 1-5. Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) – Forest Management Bureau (FMB).
- Basic Training Course for Pollution Control Officer (PCO). Sage Environmental Consultancy, Inc., and Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) – Environmental Management Bureau (EMB). February 20-24. 2023.
- Youth Consultation Workshop on Third Asia-Pacific Forest Sector Outlook Study (APFSOS III), Bangkok, Thailand, 20-21 March 2019. FAO (Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific), International Forestry Students’ Association (IFSA), RECOFTC – The Centre for People and Forests and Kasetsart University (KU).
- 1st International Conference on Biodiversity and 6th Anniversary. Research Paper: “Floral Diversity and Habitat Assessment of Canbantug forest, Argao, Cebu, Philippines”. Center for Biodiversity Research and Extension in Mindanao (CEBREM) and Philippine Long Term Ecological Research Network (PhilTERnet). Farmer’s Training Center (FTC), Central Mindanao University (CMU), Musuan, Bukidnon, Philippines.
- Terrestrial Impact Monitoring Trainers’ Training (Flora Component). Cebu Provincial Tourism. Province of Cebu. Venue: Alcoy Research Center, Nug-As, Alcoy, Cebu, Philippines. Novermber 6-10, 2017.
Presentor. PFEN 4th National Conference and General Assembly. Research Paper: Floral Diversity of Canbantug, Argao, Cebu. Training Center, TREES, College of Forestry and Natural Resources, UPLB. - 2nd International and 4th National Conference on Environmental Science (ICES). Baselining, Yardsticks, and Agenda-Setting in Environmental Science Research. Working Paper: Replan, E.L. and Malabrigo, P.L. “Taxonomic Delineation of True Mangroves and Mangrove Associates Using Anatomical and Morphological Characteristics”. School for Environmental Science and Management (SESAM-UPLB).SESAM-UPLB. August 3-5, 2017
- 2nd International Science Graduate Scholar Conference. DOST-SEI and DOST-National Science Consortium. Working Paper: “Taxonomic Delineation of True Mangroves and Mangrove Associates Using Anatomical and Morphological Characteristics”. PICC, Manila. May 24-25, 2017
- “Trainer’s Training on Watershed Characterization and Vulnerability Assessment Using Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing”. Forest Management Bureau, Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Splash Oasis Resort and Hotel, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines. February 16-25, 2015.
- 1st National Conference of Integrated Natural Resources and Ecosystems Management. Lansigan Auditorium, College of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of the Philippines Los Baños. October 17, 2014
- National Conference of NRCP Researchers “Presentation and Forum on Policy-Relevant NRCP Researches”. National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP). Traders Hotel, Pasay City, Philippines. August 23, 2013.