Dr. Evangeline S. Santiago
Professorial Lecturer
Contact(s): esantiago@iesm.upd.edu.ph or ecs@nsri.upd.edu.ph
Educ. Background:
Ph.D (Chemistry), 1997, University of the Philippines
MS (Chemistry), 1990, University of the Philippines
BS (Chemistry), 1970, University of the Philippines
Interests / ProjectsCourses Handled & Other InformationPublicationPaper Presentations
Content 1
Courses Teaching:
- Envi. Sci. 233 (Environmental Toxicology)
Other Relevant Information:
- Scientist 1 by DOST Science Career System, March 2013.
- Position held:
- University Researcher V, Natural Sciences Research Institute
- Head, Research and Analytical Services Laboratory
- National Project Coordinator for the Philippines (1999-present)
- United Nations University POPs Monitoring in the East Asian Coastal Hydrosphere
- Member, Technical Working Group, QA/QC, International Workshop on Global
- Monitoring Program to Assess the Effectiveness of the Stockholm Convention, Geneva, Switzerland, March 2003
- Member, Expert Working Group – Trial Air Monitoring Project in East Asia for the Global Monitoring Program of the Stockholm Convention, 2003-2014
- Member, Codex Sub Committee on Sampling and Analysis, National Codex Organization, (2011-present)
- Member, National Steering Committee, Updating of NIP for the Stockholm Convention (present)
- Advisorship/Co-advisorship of :
- Eleanor San Pedro Austria MSc. Environmental Science, 2006
- Mylene Cayetano MSc. Environmental Science, 2009
- ISI Publications
- Kwan CS, Takada H, Mizukawa K, Saha M, Rinawati, Santiago EC. Sedimentary PBDEs in urban areas of tropical Asian countries.
Mar. Pollut Bull 2013b. 76:95-105. - Kwan CS,Takada H. Mizukawa K, Torii M. Koike T. Yamahita R., Rinawati, Santiago, EC. PBDEs in leacheates from municipal and solid waste dumping sites in tropical Asian countries. Environ Sci Pollut Res 2013a, 20:4188-204.
- Santiago E. and Rivas, F. Polychlorinated biphenyls in Selected Sites in Pasig river and Laguna Lake In
the Philippines Before and After a Big Flood Event Investigated Under the UNU East Asia Regional POPS
Monitoring Project, Bull of Environ Contam Toxicol, Vol. 89, Issue 2, (2012), page 407-411 - Santiago E. and Cayetano, M. Organochlorine Pesticides in Ambient air in Selected Urban and Rural
Residential Areas in the Philippines Derived from Passive Sampler with Polyurethane Disks, Bull Environ Contam Toxicol
(2011) 86: 50-55 - Santiago E and Africa C… Trace Metal Concentrations in the Aquatic Environment of Albay Gulf in the Philippines after a Reported Mine Tailings Spill,
Baseline /Marine Pollution Bulletin 56, September, 2008, 1650-67 - Quilang J, de Guzman M, Catalan Ma. H, Rubio, R, Jacinto S, Santiago E, Cao, E. Effects of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) on Root Meristem Cells of Common Onion (Allium cepa L.) and on Early Life Stages of Z ebra fish ( Danio rerio) Philippine Journal of Science 137(2) 141-151, December 2008
- Santiago E. and Kwan, C. Endocrine-Disrupting Phenols in Selected Rivers and Bays in the Philippines, Baseline/ Marine Pollution Bulletin, 54, July, 2007, 1031-1071
- Santiago E and Cayetano, M. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Ambient Air in the Philippines Derived from Passive Sampler with Polyurethane Foam Disk, Atmospheric Environment 41, June, 2007 , 4138-47
- Santiago E and Bello, B. Initial Inter-Laboratory Validation of an Analytical Method for the Determination of Lead in Canned Tuna to be Used for Monitoring and Regulatory Purposes. Journal of Food Additives and Contaminants, June, 2003, Vol 20, No 6,
- Kwan CS, Takada H, Mizukawa K, Saha M, Rinawati, Santiago EC. Sedimentary PBDEs in urban areas of tropical Asian countries.
- ISI Publications
- Local Refereed Publications
- Africa, C., Pascual, A and Santiago, E. Total Mercury in Three Fish Species Sold in a Local Market: Monitoring and Risk Assessment, Science Diliman, Vol 21, No.1, 2009
- Chapter in a Scientific Book with International Publication
- POPs Analysis and Monitoring in the Asian Coastal
Hydrosphere, contributing author,
Chapter 1. Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Research in Asia, ed by
Masatoshi Morita,
Ehime University, Japan, 2009 - Monitoring and Governance of Persistent Organic
Pollutants in the Asian Coastal hydrosphere, eds Osamu Ito, Fukuya
Iino, Yasuyuki Shibata and Masatoshi Morita, 2015,
United Nations Publishing, New York, contributing authorChapter 1.4. Quality Assurance and Quality Control, E.C.Santiago
Chapter 2.7. POPs in Selected Rivers and Bays in the Philippines, E.C.Santiago and C.S.Kwan
- POPs Analysis and Monitoring in the Asian Coastal
- International
- Types and Levels of Potentially Carcinogenic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Inhalable Air Particulates in the Greater Manila Area, Asia-Pacific Conference on Analytical Science and 18th PCC, 20-22 February 2002, EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, Manila Philippines.
- Internal Validation of Analytical Methods for OCPs, Phenols and Phthalates in Water, Regional Environmental Quality Standards in the East Asian Coastal Hydrosphere, Kwanju Institute of Science and Technology, Kwanju, Korea, January 26-27, 2003.
- Determining the Method Detection Limit (MDL), a Major Analytical Challenge in Reporting POPs Monitoring Data in the Philippines, UNU International Conference on Environmental Monitoring and Governance in the East Asia Hydrosphere on 21 September 2005 in Tokyo, Japan.
- Persistent Organic Pollutants in Urban and Rural Atmospheric Environment in the Philippines, 3rd Workshop on Environmental Sustainable Development in UNU-GIST Joint program in Science and Technology on 2-3 November 2005 in Damyang Korea
- Passive Sampler-Derived Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in urban and rural air in th Philippines, 17th symposium on Environmental Chemistry , Japan Society for Environmental Chemistry, 11-13 June, 2008, Kobe, Japan
- Global Monitoring Plan and Issues on East Asia Monitoring Plan, 6th Workshop on Environmental Monitoring of Persistent Organic Pollutants in East Asian Countries, 19, November, 2008, Tokyo International Exchange Center, Tokyo, Japan
- Organochlorine Pesticide Residues in theEnvironment and Milk of Philippine Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) in selected pasture sites in the Philippines in the International Seminar on Pesticide and POPs in the Environment and their effects on Food Safety, October 26-30, 2009 Taichung, Taiwan
- Monitoring POPs in Selected Biota in the Philippines, UNU International Conference, 13 November, 2008, UNU Headquarters,Tokyo, Japan.
- Risk Assessment, Laboratory Aspects, SEARCA Training- Workshop on Risk-based Food Control Programs in Southeast Asia, Los Banos. on May 18, 2011.
- National Conferences and Workshops
- Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in the Philippine Hydrosphere, Poisons in our Environment: News, Clues and Different Views 4th annual convention of the Philippine Society of Clinical and Occupational Toxicology, 28 Nov, 2003.
- Measurement of Uncertainty in Chemical Analytical Data, October 27, 2004, Integrated Chemists of the Philippines Continuing Education Program for Chemists, Food and Nutrition Research 1nstitute, DOST.
- Measurement of Uncertainty in Chemical Analytical Data, October 27, 2004, Integrated Chemists of the Philippines Continuing Education Program for Chemists, Food and Nutrition Research 1nstitute, DOST.
- Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Manila Bay Hydrosphere – ARRPET National Workshop on February 2005 at De La SalleUniversity, Manila.
- Monitoring Organochlorine Pesticides in Mt. Sto Tomas, Benguet, 22nd Philippine Chemistry Congress, April 13, 2007, Development Academy of the Philippines, Tagaytay City.
- Measurement Uncertainty from Laboratory and Method Bias, Integrated Chemists of the Philippines Symposium in celebration of Chemistry Week on February 17, 2009 at Camp Crame Auditorium.
- POPs Analysis Capacity Development and Monitoring in 10 Asian Countries, at the international East Asian Seas Congress, PICC, November 23, 2009, Manila.
- Institutional Meetings and Workshops
- Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Selected Rivers in Metro Manila EMB workshop on Clean-Up of Manila Bay, Sep25-26, 2013, Tagaytay City.
- Sampling Protocols for Trace Metals in Rice DA-BAFPS training of auditors of Good Agricultural Practices, Sep 27, 2013, Tagaytay City.
- PCBs in Pasig River and Laguna Lake Upgrading seminar for LLDA technical employees on the topic PCB contamination in Pasig River and Laguna Lake, October 7, 2013, LLDA.Q.C
- Understanding the Role of Quality Infrastructure in Competitiveness of Agriculture Products at the Management Association of the Philippines, Agribusiness Sector on 19 June 2012 at the Metropolitan Club Makati.
- Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and Other Issues on the Implementation of some of the Regulatory Requirement related to POPs Management”at the Environmental Management Bureau Workshop on 24 February 2005 at the Century Imperial Palace Suites, Timog Ave., corner Tomas Morato St., Quezon City
- Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) at the Laboratory Quality Assurance Program workshop for DA-National Meat Inspection Service, March 27-31, 2006, National Meat Inspection Service, Department of Agriculture
- International