Hi, I’m Bernard Alan B. Racoma, Ph.D., an Assistant Professor at the University of the Philippines. My passion lies in exploring the complexities of weather, climate, and their impacts on our world. I also have a keen interest in communicating science effectively to diverse audiences.

Bernard Alan B. Racoma, PhD
Assistant Professor
Head: GeoSTORM

Educational Background

  • PhD in Atmosphere, Oceans and Climate (University of Reading, United Kingdom, 2024)
  • PhD in Meteorology (University of the Philippines Diliman, 2023)
  • MS Geology (University of the Philippines Diliman, 2016)
  • BS Applied Physics (University of the Philippines, Diliman, 2011)

Research Interests

  • Numerical Weather Prediction
  • Tropical Cyclones
  • Extreme Weather
  • Disaster Risk Reduction and Mitigation
  • Geographic Information Systems
  • Remote Sensing
  • Science Communication


  • Project staff, DOST-GIA funded project: Artificial Intelligence-based Sustainable Water Resources Management in the Philippines (AI-SWaMP) (December 2024 – November 2027)
  • Project lead, UP OVCRD PhD Incentive Award: Establishment of the Geosopatial Techniques for Observation and Research in Meteorology (GeoSTORM) Laboratory (September 2024 – August 2025)
  • Project staff, DOST-GIA funded project: Analysis of tropical cyclone rapid intensification in the Philippines: its characteristics, impacts, and future projections (January 2023 – December 2024)


  • Environmental Science
    • Env Sci 1: Environment and Society
    • Env Sci 265: Applications of Remote Sensing to Environmental Science
    • Env Sci 265.1: Remote Sensing Techniques
  • Meteorology
    • Meteo 101: General Meteorology
    • Meteo 203: Methods of Analytical Meteorology and Oceanography
    • Meteo 221: Physical Meteorology
    • Meteo 222: Satellite Meteorology
    • Meteo 225: Cloud Physics
    • Meteo 231: Dynamic Meteorology (lab component)
    • Meteo 296: Graduate Seminar


  1. Bagtasa, G., & Racoma, B. A. (2023). Does the Sierra Madre Mountain Range in Luzon Act as a Barrier to Typhoons? Philippine Journal of Science, 152 (S1), 63–77. https://philjournalsci.dost.gov.ph/publication/special-issues/meteorology/121-vol-152-no-s1-meteorology/1888-does-the-sierra-madre-mountain-range-in-luzon-act-as-a-barrier-to-typhoons
  2. Racoma, B. A. B., Holloway, C. E., Schiemann, R. K. H., Feng, X., & Bagtasa, G. (2023). The Effect of the Cordillera Mountain Range on Tropical Cyclone Rainfall in the Northern Philippines. Atmosphere, 14(4), https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos14040643
  3. Racoma, B. A. B., Klingaman, N. P., Holloway, C. E., Schiemann, R. K. H., & Bagtasa, G. (2021). Tropical cyclone characteristics associated with extreme precipitation in the northern Philippines. International Journal of Climatologyhttps://doi.org/10.1002/joc.7416
  4. Lagmay, M., & Racoma, B. A. (2019). Lessons from tropical storms Urduja and Vinta disasters in the Philippines. Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journalhttps://doi.org/10.1108/DPM-03-2018-0077
  5. Ybañez, R., Racoma, B.A., Ybañez, A.A., Balangue-Tarriela, M.I.R. (2018). Flood Susceptibility Assessment of Mt. Makiling, Philippines Using Two-Dimensional Meteorological and Hydrological Modelling. Philippine Journal of Science, 147 (3), 463-471
  6. Lagmay, A.M., Racoma, B.A., Aracan, K.A., Alconis-Ayco, J., & Saddi, I.L. (2017). Disseminating near-real-time hazards information and flood maps in the Philippines through Web-GIS. Journal of Environmental Sciences 59, 13-23. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2017.03.014
  7. Racoma, B.A., David, C.P., Crisologo, I. A., Bagtasa, G., (2016), The Change in Rainfall from Tropical Cyclones due to Orographic Effect of the Sierra Madre Mountain Range in Luzon, Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science, 145 (4), 313-326 https://philjournalsci.dost.gov.ph/home-1/50-vol-145-no-4-december-2016/617-the-change-in-rainfall-from-tropical-cyclones-due-to-orographic-effect-of-the-sierra-madre-mountain-range-in-luzon-philippines
  8. Lagmay, A. M. F., Bagtasa, G., Crisologo, I. A., Racoma, B. A. B., & David, C. P. C. (2015). Volcanoes magnify Metro Manila’s southwest monsoon rains and lethal floods. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2http://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2014.00036
  9. Heistermann, M., Crisologo, I., Abon, C. C., Racoma, B. A., Jacobi, S., Servando, N. T., David, C. P., & Bronstert, A. (2013). Brief communication: Using the new Philippine radar network to reconstruct the “Habagat of August 2012” monsoon event around Metropolitan Manila. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 13 (3), 653–657. http://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-13-653-2013


  1. Racoma, B.A., Crisologo I.A., David, C.P. (2015). Accumulation-based Advection Field for Rainfall Nowcasting. Journal of the Philippine Geosciences and Remote Sensing Society, 1(1),21-26,
  2. David, C. C., Racoma, B. B., Gonzales J., and Clutario M. (2013). A Manifestation of Climate Change? A Look at Typhoon Yolanda in Relation to the Historical Tropical Cyclone Archive. Science Diliman, 25, No 2. 79-86